Selected papers and articles (2008-2012)
(With Nicholas Saunders) Desert Labyrinth: Lines, landscape and meaning at Nazca, Peru, Antiquity, 86 (2012), 1126–1140.
(With Iván Ghezzi) El contexto social y ritual de las observaciones del horizonte astronómico en Chankillo. In Miľosz Giersz and Iván Ghezzi (eds), Arqueología de la Costa de Ancash, Centro de Estudios Precolombinos de la Universidad de Varsovia and Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, Warsaw–Lima, 2011, 135–152. [In Spanish]
Pushing back the frontiers or still running around the same circles? ‘Interpretative archaeoastronomy’ thirty years on. In Clive Ruggles (ed.), Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: Building Bridges between Cultures, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 1–18.
(With Iván Ghezzi) The social and ritual context of horizon astronomical observations at Chankillo. In Clive Ruggles (ed.), Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: Building Bridges between Cultures, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 144–153.
(With Krzysztof Makowski) Watching the sky from the ushnu: the sukanka-like summit temple in Pueblo-Viejo–Pucara (Lurin Valley, Peru). In Clive Ruggles (ed.), Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: Building Bridges between Cultures, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 169–177.
(With Efrosyni Boutsikas) Temples, stars and ritual landscapes: the potential for archaeoastronomy in ancient Greece. American Journal of Archaeology, 115(1) (2011), 55–68.
Indigenous astronomies and progress in modern astronomy. In Ray Norris and Clive Ruggles (eds), “Accelerating the Rate of Astronomical Discovery” (Special Session 5, XXVII IAU General Assembly, August 11–14 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Proceedings of Science, 2010, PoS(sps5)029. 18pp.
Astronomy and world heritage. In Ian F. Corbett (ed), “Highlights of the XXVII IAU General Assembly, August 2009.” Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 6 (Transactions T27B), 2010, 12–17.
Megalithic astronomical sightlines: Current reassessment and future directions. In D.C. Heggie (ed.), Archaeoastronomy in the Old World, Cambridge University Press (Reprinted 2009; originally published 1982), 83–105.
Il generale e lo specifico: alcuni problemi metologici in archeoastronomia. In M. Codebò (ed.), Archeoastronomia: un Dibattito tra Archeologi ed Astronomi alla Ricerca di un Metodo Comune [Archaeoastronomy: a debate between archaeologists and astronomers looking for a common method] (Atti del Convegno Internazionale XIII, Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri), De Ferrari, Genova, 2009, 205–215. [in Italian; English translation on accompanying CD]
(With Irakli Simonia and Nodar Bakhtadze) An astronomical investigation of the seventeen-hundred year old Nekresi Fire Temple in the eastern part of Georgia. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 12(3) (2009), 235–239.
Astronomy and world heritage. World Heritage, no. 54 (3rd quarter 2009), 6–15. French and Spanish versions in Patrimoine Mondial and Patrimonio Mundial respectively.
(With Ivan Ghezzi) Las trece torres de Chankillo: Arqueoastronomía y organización social en el primer observatorio solar de América. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 10 (2008 [dated 2006]), 215–235. [In Spanish]
(With Irakli Simonia and Raul Chagunava) Ethnographic and literary reflections on ancient Georgian astronomical heritage. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 11(3) (2008), 213–218.
(With Ivan Ghezzi) Chankillo: a 2,300-year-old solar observatory in coastal Peru. In Anthony F. Aveni (ed.), Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy, University Press of Colorado, 2008, 181–198. [First published 2007.]
(With Nicholas Saunders) The study of cultural astronomy. In Anthony F. Aveni (ed.), Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy, University Press of Colorado, 2008, 725–750. [First published 1993.]